How We Met
It was a tale as old as time... two type A personalities were beginning work as consultants at an accounting firm and arrived at orientation in Philly early. We introduced ourselves and chatted as we waited for the orientation to begin. When the day was over, Ankeet invited some of the group to happy hour, and Eliza joined. We happened to be on the same train back to New York, sat together, and got yelled at for laughing in the quiet car (oops!).
Exploring the City

A couple of weeks after orientation, Eliza moved from Florida to New York. Ankeet proved to be the best tour guide and made Eliza fall even more in love with the city. We went to Broadway shows, museums, zoos, and parks; tried new and old restaurants, bars and food festivals; and got to know each other's friends. The summer was full of new experiences and excitement.

The Proposal

Ankeet wanted the proposal to be a surprise, so on a Sunday morning when he and Eliza were both feeling lazy, he excitedly said he wanted to go on an adventure that day. We decided to finally visit the Met Cloisters, a beautiful medieval museum on the Hudson River, which we had been wanting to visit for years. Eliza was slightly suspicious, since our friend Diya had asked her to get their nails done together that morning (the day after Diya attended a wedding...), but Ankeet did everything possible to throw her off the scent. After the museum, we were walking along the paths overlooking the river and chose a secluded bench to sit on. Eliza sat down her purse and turned around and Ankeet was on one knee and asked her to marry him! She excitedly said yes and the rest is history!